Excerpts of my clients: 

Your success depends on your team

 You need a team that finally works independently and productively?

 You need more time for real leadership and strategy? 

The status quo: Modern managers are constantly confronted with many challenges.

Expectations from all sides are high:

  • to ensure motivated, psychologically stable, autonomous and loyal employees
  • constantly increasing the team's productivity and success while at the same time constantly reducing expenses and work processes
  • manage your own operational tasks, implement innovative strategies and remain stress-free, positive and exemplary in the process

However, the reality in over 80% of German-speaking companies is very different!

The majority of all teams neither work independently, nor are the employees motivated or the results really good.

Many employees do not take responsibility, are demotivated, do not feel seen, engage in unnecessary discussions or have inefficient working methods.

The consequences are often stress, high sickness rates, conflicts and high staff turnover.

For many managers, this means that they themselves are overwhelmed or frustrated and have no time for core activities or strategic issues due to all the micromanagement.

The solution: In order to develop a strong self-leading team as a true leader, three areas must be given the highest priority:

  • strong responsibility
  • dynamic teamwork
  • stable motivation

In order to implement this in companies in the long term, my focus is on the “self-leading circle” and active expectation management in order to build strong and successful teams and strengthen managers in their roles. In this way, the expectations and goals of the various stakeholders can be achieved.

Time-consuming resistance is avoided and the understanding (and ideally the acceptance) of all those involved is strengthened right from the start and during the collaboration. Managers are provided with simple tools and methods to make communication faster and more successful. It is regularly ensured that employees feel motivated and psychologically secure.

If teamwork,
why not motivated and productive?

What characterizes self-leading teams?

  • High level of personal responsibility & ability to make quick decisions
  • High adaptability & resilience
  • Strong motivation for innovation & creativity
  • Structured processes & clear areas of responsibility
  • Culture of togetherness & psychological safety
  • Employee satisfaction & loyalty

What does this mean for the manager?

  • Focus on strategy & development
  • Time for real leadership
  • Time for self-development
  • Balanced & motivated teams
  • Own serenity & joy
  • Long-term success for the team & company

How I support your path to a Self-Leading Team

I offer my concept of self-leading teams with active expectation management as an individual, longer-term support program. It comprises the following components:

  • Team workshops in presence and virtually: the knowledge and skills of the team members are built upon and continuously expanded. Team-specific topics are addressed and the workshops offer practical exercises and methods (with examples) so that what has been learned can be applied directly.


  • Leadership coaching: Individual 1:1 coaching sessions (e.g. monthly) for team leaders or individual team members help them to overcome their own “blind spots” and personal challenges. Coaching sessions focus on the development of leadership qualities and the application of the concept in real-life situations


  • Keynotes: Impulse talks offer new perspectives and inspire the team to integrate the concepts learned into their everyday work. These presentations can be extended with mini-workshops or open Q&A sessions.


The common goal is:

➡️ to build motivated, independent, productive teams

➡️ long-term support for managers & teams to ensure success

➡️ active expectation management for professional, genuine leadership

You have the following concerns about your role
in the Self-Leading Team?

  • Loss of control
  • Lack of trust
  • Potential for conflict

That's what I'm here for, because my many years of experience show me that if you opt for a self-leading team concept and external support, you and your team will benefit from

  • Rapid personal relief
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced fluctuation
  • Better conflict avoidance and resolution

with a customized, moderated program that is tailored to the specific needs of your team and yourself.

The result is highly motivated, efficient and harmonious teams with you as a successful, calm leader who together promote the company's success in the long term.

Arrange your convenient personal appointment here.

In my programs, I support you and your team in the form of tailored support, individual workshops, keynotes and leadership coaching on the following topics:

Self-Leading Teams

What are self-leading teams?

Self-leading teams are groups of your employees who can work and make decisions on their own without having to rely on constant guidance from a manager. They promote innovation and creativity by creating a culture of initiative and psychological safety. In order to achieve this for you, we focus on the three factors: leadership, teamwork and motivation in our program with your team.

Why are self-leading teams important for companies?

Teams that work independently can react more quickly to changes and make decisions. This increases productivity.
Self-determination promotes employee engagement and motivation as they have more control over their work.
Self-leading teams tend to be more creative and develop innovative solutions as they are encouraged to try new approaches.

All keynotes, workshops & coaching in the following languages:


What is expectations-management?

The basis of every good interpersonal relationship is the clarification of mutual expectations. That sounds easier said than done. Expectations-management in teams involves clear communication, understanding and mutual agreement of expectations between managers and their teams.

We train together how to do this using a simple yet very effective method and how to deal with expectations in conflictual situations in existing teams.

Why is expectations-management so important?

  1. Clear expectations mean that all team members know what is expected of them. This leads to better alignment and concentration.
  2. Active and effective expectations management reduces the likelihood of failure, misunderstandings and conflict within the team.
  3. When expectations are clear and regularly discussed, teams can plan better and achieve their goals more efficiently.

All keynotes, workshops & coaching in the following languages:

Respectful Communication

What is respectful communication?

Respect is a central value in almost all company mission statements. And yet employees often do not feel that they are treated respectfully and resign for precisely this reason. Training and learning respectful communication (and respectful treatment) means focusing on creating a positive working environment and safe team leadership. Our collaboration here is aimed at managers and employees who want to be able to conduct feedback, target-setting and annual appraisals in a humane and successful way.

Why is respectful communication important?

A culture of respectful feedback and appreciative communication increases trust and cooperation within the team.
Conflicts can be resolved more quickly and effectively through respectful, clear argumentation, which also promotes employee health.
When people feel respected, seen and heard, their motivation and commitment to their work increases, and so does employee loyalty.


All keynotes, workshops & coaching in the following languages:

Testimonials - what my clients say:


Bianca-Maria Klein led a workspace on the topic of “Expectations- Management as a success factor: resilience and expectations” at our Johanniter Academies education symposium and also took part in the panel discussion on the topic of “The Gen-Z”.

The workspace led by Ms. Klein was highly interactive and enabled participants to actively participate in the discussion. This approach not only encouraged engagement, but also allowed participants to take away valuable implications and deepen their understanding of resilience from an expectations-management perspective.

The collaboration with Bianca-Maria Klein was consistently professional and uncomplicated. Right from the start, she showed a high level of commitment and expertise, which made the organization and implementation of her workspace a smooth and successful process.

Overall, Bianca-Maria Klein's presence at our symposium was extremely enriching and inspiring.
Not least because of the positive feedback from the participants, we look forward to working with you again in the future, thank you very much!


The cooperation started with an impulse lecture - meanwhile we consider ourselves lucky that Bianca-Maria constantly accompanies Danone in so many more areas: from group and team coaching to individual coaching sessions, our Danonians feel very well taken care of thanks to her professional, but always warm and empathetic manner. Bianca-Maria inspires our employees across all functional areas and levels with her authentic, solution-oriented and charming manner. I am looking forward to everything that is yet to come :)


I met Ms. Klein at a distributor conference in the spring of this year.
The superordinate topic was expectations. What expectations does one have of a supplier, and how can the supplier adequately meet the expectations of his customer? After more than 5 months, Ms. Klein's presentation is still very much on my mind. That alone is an award!
The professional and systematic approach, but especially the empathetic manner of Ms. Klein intuitively transports every listener already during the presentation into the stage of reflection, - and that is exactly the approach: not simply consuming things, but receiving guidance that you can then independently implement for yourself. For me, a must for people who want to think outside the box. Thanks again for the inspiration!

Jörn Kramer, Head of Procurement - Coloplast A/S

JENS WIELE - Board of Directors

I recently had the pleasure of welcoming Bianca-Maria to an internal event as a speaker.
The framework revolves around the topic of transformation, in which Bianca-Maria gave many impulses to the auditorium, starting from her personal point of view.
It was not surprising that the atmosphere at the event was open and trusting, because that is exactly how I got to know Bianca during the preparation.
It became very clear over the course how clear one's own part is in the context of change, how important communication is and how each individual has the choice to create or to withdraw.
Thank you very much, Bianca-Maria, it was a lot of fun 😊

ABBOTT Laboratories Corp.


Each organization has transformational - challenging periods when even highest performing members are struggling, even at risk of leaving. In one such period Bianca-Maria coached team members and through individual approach, that was business savvy yet full of empathy, she managed to guide people to navigate this specific period. I am sure will continue working with Bianca-Maria in the future as the business world today needs authentic approach to leadership development.


Bianca-Maria's empathetic, positive nature manages to excite and inspire our Danoners every time in her interactive talks, workshops or coaching sessions! With her special energy, she creates intimacy even in virtual spaces and the audience is always engaged. Every session inspires me, and I have seen many from her - her refreshing, methodical approaches and reflections surprise every time. The highly professional set-up rounds out her performance; I highly recommend Bianca-Maria to anyone and everyone. We are very much looking forward to further collaboration!


Bianca-Maria is absolutely great in always asking the right questions to trigger a thought process. She has fantastic experience which she uses in our business sessions and I explicitly enjoy her trustworthiness. Bianca-Maria's absolute superpower is empathy! She immediately senses my current mood, adapts and focuses the coaching sessions to get me into a positive and forward-looking mode. I can only recommend Bianca-Maria for personal business coaching, she already helped me a lot and is my trusted advisor.



Bianca-Maria brings a very special glow to the room with her warm and energetic personality. She greatly enriched our Hogan Lovells Ladies Lunch with a great impulse on the topic of personal development, expectation management and mentoring. With many helpful tips and her wealth of experience, Bianca-Maria ensured that every single participant took away new ideas from the event. Thank you again for the wonderful experience, it was a lot of fun! Gladly again at any time :)

Industry expertise:

I have over 20 years of management experience in the management of international companies in the healthcare industry: marketing, sales, project management, research and personnel management.

International expertise:

Growing up in German and Italian culture and having a passion for foreign languages, I have always been open to positions abroad (USA, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy) and the local environments and habits. I speak 5 languages fluently and have experience with other countries and cultures. This has strongly influenced my ease of communication and the open, respectful interaction with intercultural teams, customers and colleagues.

Experience with teams and change processes:

Through my many years of professional experience, I have intensively experienced position changes, restructuring, mergers, team conflicts, team building and reorganization, mediations, terminations, etc.

The contact with very different target groups (hospital staff, administrators, purchasers, patients, research, doctors, colleagues, managers) has significantly shaped my ability to accompany challenges and change processes of teams and to be a professional support for employees or those directly affected.

Problem-solving skills:

My many years of professional and life experience coupled with my training as a systemic coach, certified speaker, change manager, moderator and workshop host give me the confidence and competence to communicate clearly, directly and openly with my clients and to offer quick solutions for my international clients.

Solutions that are tried and tested thanks to many examples from theory and practice and that are developed individually and in a situation-focused way.



(for more information please visit my LinkedIn profile):

20 years of management experience

  • Manager in the field of international medical technology companies (marketing, sales, project management, research and personnel management)
  • International marketing, sales management and project management
  • Human resources management and leadership
  • Teambuidling and team-communication
  • Customer care and new customer acquisition
  • Budget responsibility
  • Professional functions abroad in the USA, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and Spain


  • Systemic Coach (ICF certified as ACC)
  • Speaker training
  • Change Manager
  • Trainer, Business moderator (DVCT)
  • Coach for solution-oriented coaching (ICF) and team coaching (ICF)

Working languages:
German, English, Italian (additionally fluent in French and Spanish)

Frequently asked questions about keynotes:

  • For which occasion is a lecture suitable? For events where employees or employers (or event organizers) want stimulating inspiration and motivation for their teams or customers. Since I love to speak in front of people and also like to provoke laughter or reflection, I am happy - online or in presence - to align my impulse speeches according to individual needs and current situation.
  • I like to arrange my impulse speeches according to the individual needs and current situation of the client. Example topics are: "Expectation management", "Transformation processes" "Executive communication".
  • Gladly a request can be made here via the website or directly by e-mail to me. Accordingly, if desired, my agency will then be added to simplify the processing of the request.
  • The investment in a keynote depends on the individual needs of the customer and also on the desired length of the presentation and possible supporting program e.g. Q & A session, workshop or training parts.
  • The length of a speech depends on the individual needs of the customer and the topic of the speech or whether a supporting program is also desired.
  • I offer lectures in presence or virtually, according to the needs and mutual agreement with the client.

Frequently asked questions about workshops:

  • Would you like to provide your employees with impulses, food for thought or concrete knowledge or methods in a few hours with professional moderation and leadership? 
    Workshops can be useful for larger groups (up to a maximum of 20 employees). Workshops are usually intended for small groups (5-10 employees). Here, employees get to talk to each other and can exchange ideas on a topic and do practical exercises. Workshops have an important function in the context of projects, for example to inform team members or customers or to bring everyone involved in the project to the same level of knowledge. 
    Workshops sessions can also be organized online or in person and closely coordinated with the client according to individual needs and the current situation.
  • I align the planning and organization according to individual needs and current situation of the client. A detailed briefing takes place in advance (possibly 2 briefings) to determine the exact objectives. Example topics are: "expectation management", "change-management" or "executive and team communication".
  • Gladly a request can be made here via the website or directly by e-mail to me. Accordingly, contact will then be made as soon as possible to simplify the processing of the specific request, the objective and the timing.
  • The investment in a workshop depends on the individual needs of the customer and also on the desired length of the workshop. Usually, a daily rate is set per day, plus pre and possible post-processing. Furthermore, it will be discussed whether additional working material and follow-up meetings are desired. Travel costs and possibly overnight expenses will also be calculated. I will be happy to make you a non-binding offer after discussing your requirements. Just fill out our inquiry form and we will get back to you.
  • The length of a workshop depends on your individual needs, the topic to be conveyed and the desired format.
  • I offer workshops in presence or virtually, according to the need and mutual agreement with the customer. However, I recommend - due to the more efficient and open discussion rounds of the employees - to organize the workshops in presence.

Frequently asked questions about coaching :

  • For any person who feels challenges in their life, whether personal or professional. 
    For example, challenges with:
    - Expectations and/or changes
    - Feeling of burnout or exhaustion
    - Goal setting and implementation of plans in work and everyday life
    - Communication with others (colleagues, teams, managers, family or friends)
  • Yes, I always recommend talking to your employer about the need for coaching. Many employers support these requests with partial or full coverage of the costs. We will be happy to discuss details or my experience with this in a get-to-know conversation.
  • No, the best time is always now. It is best to start coaching at the moment when you feel the need for support and do not want to delay finding a solution.
  • The coaching can also have advisory parts, but then I announce them as consulting. Due to my long experience in the working world and career in corporations as an executive, I can answer specific questions with concrete tips and suggestions for taking action.
  • In order to work on personal challenges, there should be a clear desire and willingness to invest in finding solutions. The monetary and time investment is based on the mutually elaborated needs and the scope of the coaching, which is mutually agreed upon in the get-to-know conversation.
  • No, previous experience is not necessary. Only the willingness to work on personal challenges.
  • We arrange an initial 30-minute meeting to get to know each other, in which we agree on the goals of the coaching and the desired solution situation. If there is a mutual interest to do the coaching, at least one first (possibly subsequent) appointment will be made. The length of the sessions is between 60 and 90 minutes. Each session will be pre- and post-processed by me. According to the agreed extent of the coaching, there is the possibility to book additional support between the sessions, by means of voice and/or text messages. There is also the possibility to get access to the client portal with further exercise materials and information.
  • Basically, at least 2 coaching sessions are necessary to get into the change. The maximum number of coaching sessions will be decided together according to the agreement of goals. There is support that goes over several months, or according to the needs of the client, even just a few weeks.
  • Yes, several coaching packages or longer caching support can be arranged - depending on your needs.
  • The coaching sessions are basically online and can, depending on the agreement, also take place in presence. Possible room costs will be charged separately, if necessary.
  • No information about the clients or content of the coaching will be disclosed to third parties. All written or electronic records (which can be made at the request of the customer) are stored reliably so that no outside third party can gain access to them. outside third party can gain access to them.


Bianca-Maria Klein – Coach, Speaker, Trainerin

[email protected]

+49 (179) 9370231

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